General Principles of Holistic Cancer Therapy

The multitude and great variety of natural cancer cures must be utterly confusing to the uninitiated. In order to understand holistic cancer therapy and select a rational treatment program it will help to clarify the underlying general principles.

For this purpose we may divide holistic cancer treatment into five steps:

1. Normalising the metabolism and oxidative energy production;

2. Strengthening the immune system and eliminating the cancer microbe;

3. Destroying any tumours;

4. Cleansing and supporting the liver;

5. Improving the mind and emotions.

Several of these steps overlap in that normalising the metabolism will also strengthen the immune system and may already destroy the tumour itself.

Understanding Cancer

With so many factors contributing to its development, it is difficult to come to a basic understanding of the fundamental processes behind cancer. Such understanding is important for selecting appropriate therapies. I have come to the following conclusions about the basic causes of cancer:

In childhood our body develops through frequent cell divisions stimulated by growth factors within the blueprint of a strong etheric matrix. As we age, not only the growth factors but also our etheric matrix become weaker. Problems arise if cell growth is stimulated without the restraint of a strong matrix. Such stimulation may be due to chronic tissue irritation as from, a slow-healing injury or surgery, deposits of toxic chemicals, radiation, microbial activity, allergic reactions or other localised inflammations. Add to this a high concentration of growth hormones released by a locally proliferating cancer microbe and we have a recipe for tumour formation.

If the tissue in and around the tumour has a normal oxidative energy metabolism the resulting growth is benign. Conversely, the more anaerobic the energy metabolism of the tumour, the more malignant and virulent it becomes. A tumour of low virulence may indefinitely remain dormant or very slowly grow without causing any problems. However if a tumour is disturbed or metabolism and immune system strongly deteriorate, then the cancer microbe starts proliferating throughout the body and any cancer cells released into the bloodstream can easily form metastases or secondary tumours. Then we have advanced and medically untreatable cancer.

All of these processes are strongly influenced by our emotions and beliefs. Negative unexpressed emotions (resentment, worry, fear, guilt) strongly suppress the immune system, while overall the body tries to manifest what we subconsciously believe, be it health or disease. We can actually choose.

From this we can deduce the main objectives of holistic cancer therapy:

The Tumour Focus

Many apparently successful cancer cures just focus on tumour destruction. That is possible as long as the immune system and the organs of elimination are still reasonably strong and the tumour not too big. However, I am convinced that only those patients actually will be permanently cured who keep the cancer microbe under control and subconsciously believe that they have been cured. Commonly, in advanced conditions with a large tumour or metastases and a deteriorated body, the organs of elimination will be overloaded without intensive cleansing. Furthermore, new tumours may form in time if a tumour is simply destroyed without improving the immune system and the metabolism.

Healing is relatively easy with a newly diagnosed primary tumour. With proper holistic therapies it can usually be destroyed and metastasis prevented. Unfortunately, few cancer victims start a holistic program or put sufficient effort into it in the early stages. Instead, they tend to come when they are told by their specialist that medicine cannot help them any more, but by then it is extremely difficult.

The Metastasis Dilemma

Commonly, this delay in seeking effective cancer treatment is due to the misleading impression given to patients about the long-term success of conventional cancer therapy. The initial medical treatment is usually successful in removing a primary tumour and patients hope that they have been healed. They are not told that years later they can expect to be full of medically untreatable metastases unless they do something about it.

Ernst Krokowski, a German professor of radiology, demonstrated conclusively that metastasis is commonly triggered by medical intervention, including sometimes even by biopsy or surgery unrelated to the cancer. Disturbance of a tumour causes a greatly increased number of cancer cells and cancer microbes in the bloodstream, while most medical intervention in addition suppresses the immune system.

This combination of a sudden overload with cancer cells together with a suppressed immune response is a deadly mix and a prescription for the formation of metastases. Considering that primary tumours almost never kill but that metastases do, it is evident to me that most cancer deaths are caused by medical intervention and could be prevented by enhancing the immune system and normalising the metabolism as a complement to careful medical treatment.


Therefore, the main consideration for a newly diagnosed or suspected cancer patient is to start intensive holistic therapy as soon as possible, and if medical treatment is contemplated, well before and after such treatment. I regard radiotherapy and chemotherapy as much more harmful than helpful, especially with solid tumours. Surgery can be helpful with the removal of tumours, provided holistic therapy is used in addition before and after.

As a general rule, I recommend a strict anti-cancer program for about one year after an apparently successful medical treatment and a greatly improved lifestyle indefinitely thereafter, including appropriate emotional expression.

Normalise Metabolism With Organic Food

'Metabolism' may be defined as the multitude of biochemical reactions that take place in a living organism at all times, thereby producing energy and building or breaking down structures. Nutrition provides the raw material for our metabolism.

Dr. J.L. Mount in his book The Food and Health of Western Man gave a good example of the fundamental role of nutrition in cancer therapy. In five reported cases of bowel cancer it was found during operation that metastases had already spread all over the body. But instead of just lying down to die, these five changed their diet (independently of each other) and from then on ate only home grown organically raised food.

When they finally did die 21-30 years later no traces of cancer could be found in post-mortem examinations. Such cures without medical intervention are regarded as 'spontaneous remissions'. It should be comforting to know for those with advanced cancer that spontaneous remissions can be expected with organically grown food.

The reason why organically grown food is so eminently suited for cancer treatment is its absence of unbiological chemicals which gives the body a chance to detoxify itself and get rid of the chemicals that caused the breakdown in the first place. However, this healing effect would be negated by using chemotherapy, thereby flooding the body with highly toxic chemicals that intensify the blockage in the oxidative energy production of the cells.


1. Avoid Unbiological Chemicals

The first fundamental principle in holistic cancer therapy is to avoid unbiological chemicals as much as possible, including those from medical drugs, chlorinated and fluoridated water as well as polluted air.

• Air pollution may arise from many sources, such as car exhaust fumes, industry, cigarette smoke, moth balls, solvents, fresh paints, gas or kerosene stoves or heaters and formaldehyde from glue in carpets, chipboard and plywood.

Chemicals in water can be avoided by using a good filter or distilled water. I personally prefer reverse osmosis.

Toxic sprays are most heavily used on tomatoes, leaf vegetables and some varieties of fruit. It is best to avoid commercial tomatoes and leaf vegetables. Root vegetables are less affected by sprays but will pick up pesticide residues in the soil. If unsprayed fruit are not available, remove the skin.

Of the chemical fertilisers, the nitrates are most dangerous. Nitrates are converted into carcinogenic nitrosamines in the body and linked to stomach cancer. Nitrates increase mould problems in plants, and animals raised on nitrate-fertilised products suffer a higher incidence of disease and deformities.

In one scientific experiment hens were fed either nitrate fertilised or unfertilised blueberries. Those fed large amounts of fertilised berries died within 72 hours, while with only small quantities they started laying eggs with defective or missing shells. Hens on unfertilised berries in any quantity maintained normal health and eggs. At low doses of nitrates it may be more than ten years until symptoms appear in humans.

2. Restart respiratory chain

Besides avoiding unbiological chemicals, we need to take positive steps to restart the respiratory chain in cancerous and pre-cancerous cells, to enable these cells to produce energy by transferring hydrogen ions from nutrients onto the oxygen supplied by the red blood cells.

An alternative energy pathway can be opened by anthocyanins in black or purple grapes and betacyans, the purple colouring matter in beetroot. These purple pigments are highly unsaturated and reactive and can replace oxygen to bind the surplus of hydrogen in damaged cells. In support also high amounts of vitamin C can be used for this purpose as well as other purple foods, such as blackberries, blueberries, red cabbage and purple onions. Grape seed extract and the B-vitamin niacin/niacinamide can assist with this.

Another method to repair the respiratory chain is by supplying the missing oxidative enzymes as food. Max Gerson initially used the juice of calf's liver instead. Seeger found Zell Oxygen most effective to restart cellular respiration. Bred for five days in an environment high in oxygen, the special strain of yeast used in Zell Oxygen is exceptionally rich in oxidising enzymes.

Such enzymes are also supplied by sprouted seeds, lactic acid fermented foods and especially fresh grass juice. However, alfalfa sprouts reportedly can cause problems with some cancer patients, apparently due to their high content of detergent-like saponins. Grass or vegetables grown in soils low in manganese tend to be low in oxidising enzymes. Therefore, the best healing effect is achieved with produce grown in compost-rich soil that provides all the necessary vitamins, minerals, enzymes and hormones in high concentrations. In addition, it helps to to treat the soil with plenty of rock dust.

It is also important to ingest the oxidising enzymes in an active form. Not only heating to more than 50°C destroys or inactivates them, but also extracting juice with a centrifugal juicer. Further losses arise if one does not drink the juice immediately after pressing.

Johanna Budwig found an even more direct way to repair the respiratory chain by supplying an abundance of the two nutrients apparently most lacking in cancer victims. These are high-quality polyunsaturated oil in the form of linseed or flaxseed oil as well as the sulphur amino acids methionine and cysteine. Cysteine and methionine are key ingredient of the chain of oxidative enzymes, also vitamin B2, copper and bioflavonoids assist.

Commercial polyunsaturated oil is not only useless but rather harmful in cancer treatment. This is because it has been produced at high temperatures, is partly oxidised or rancid and contains unnatural trans-fatty acids while its enzymes have been destroyed.

Linseed or flaxseed oil for cancer treatment should be produced below 50°C, flushed with nitrogen and stored cool and dark before and after purchase, it should also be used as fresh as possible with a long expiry date on the bottle. The omega-3 linolenic acid in linseed oil is not only important for restarting the respiratory chain, but also stabilises cell walls and suppresses the inflammatory processes surrounding the tumour. The omega-6 fatty acids in other polyunsaturated oils, on the other hand, have a pro-inflammatory effect.

Finally, the body should frequently be flushed with oxygen. Cancer is much rarer in regular joggers than in the rest of the populations. Jog as slowly as possible in unpolluted air but at the same time breathe as fast and deep as possible. In advanced conditions frequent exercises on a rebounder or lymphasiser are preferable, bouncing only lightly but with strong breathing.

A combination of these measures may already be sufficient to regress tumours of low virulence with the normalisation of the oxidative energy production in former cancer cells, while virulent tumours will become much less virulent and just remain dormant.

3. Strengthening The Immune System

The most important part of immuno-therapy may well be the normalising of the intestinal flora. With cancer we can expect an overgrowth of harmful microbes to suppress the immune system.

For a long time, but especially during critical periods I found it useful to flush each morning with a tablespoon of Epsom salts in a large glass of water with the addition of either a large crushed clove of garlic or 1-3 teaspoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide. In addition, high concentrations of live lactic acid bacteria should be ingested either from dry cultures or from freshly fermented products.

Control of Cancer Microbe

The next important step is getting the cancer microbe under control. It tends to proliferate in the bloodstream of cancer patients, especially in advanced conditions and causes anaemia and wasting or cachexia.. An effective clinical way of cleaning the blood is by treating the patient's blood directly with ozone.

As this is not possible with home treatments, rectal infusions with about 0.1% of hydrogen peroxide may be used instead, start with lower doses and gradually increase. If a medical-grade ozone generator is available then ozone may be used instead of hydrogen peroxide. Most commonly, however, hydrogen peroxide is used orally 3-4 times daily up to 1 or more teaspoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water or herb tea.

Other effective remedies are copper salicylate, propolis, Lugol's solution, magnesium chloride, colloidal silver, parasite herbs, electronic zapper and magnetic pulser as well as urine therapy.

A folk remedy widely used in poorer countries with a large amount of anecdotal evidence for curing cancer is kerosene, taken in teaspoon quantities on an empty stomach. This apparently kills the cancer microbe as well as fungi, viruses and probably cancer cells throughout the body.

If available, tuberculosis-related vaccines may be used to selectively stimulate the immune system. Furthermore, the patients own body fluids may be homoeopathically diluted or potentised for the same purpose. In auto-haemotherapy a small amount of the patient's blood is haemolysed, that is, the walls of the red blood cells are ruptured, by diluting it with water and reinjecting it under the skin.

Use of supplements

Generally high amounts of immune-stimulating supplements are used, especially in advanced conditions. Most helpful are the vitamins A, C, niacin/nicotinamide, B2 and B6; also grape seed extract, Kyolic aged garlic; the minerals selenium, zinc and copper as well as iodine; propolis, a bee product, and the herbs echinacea, mistletoe, pau d'arco and various mixtures, such as Ojibway Indian Tea [Essiac] or the Hoxsey herbs

For hydrogen peroxide to be effective, be it produced by the immune system itself or supplied through therapy, certain enzymes - catalase and peroxidase - are required. They protect normal body cells and also help to kill cancer cells and microbes by initiating the release of oxygen from the peroxides. These enzymes are low in cancer patients and need to be supplied with raw food, especially grass juice, Zell Oxygen, freeze-dried liver and grapes. However, grass and other produce deficient in manganese is also low in catalase. This highlights again the importance of produce grown in good soil rich in trace minerals.

Importance of Raw Food

Apart from the conservation of enzymes, hormones and vitamins there is still another important reason why cancer victims should eat mainly raw food. Whenever we eat cooked food the immune system reacts as if we have eaten something harmful and floods the vicinity of the digestive tract with white blood cells. This means cooked food is a strain on the immune system and a stress for the body. Raw food is most important with leukaemia and AIDS.

One of my patients was a young woman with leukaemia. She was the only one of a group of about a dozen leukaemia sufferers in a Brisbane hospital at that time who became healthy again, on a diet of mainly home-grown raw fruit and vegetables. The others died from chemotherapy.

Amalgam and Electromagnetic Fields

Other factors that suppress the immune system and must be removed, avoided or minimised are:

• Amalgam tooth fillings

Nickel as in stainless steel braces, two different types of metal in the mouth that would form a galvanic battery and a strong electric current

Nickel and aluminium leaching from stainless steel and aluminium cooking utensils.

Dead teeth, commonly those with root canal fillings, as they release harmful toxins into the bloodstream

Electromagnetic fields, especially in the bedroom. All electrical leads in the bedroom should be unplugged before going to sleep, there should be no live electric wires in the wall near the bed or working electrical appliances close to the bed in another room. One of the reasons why we are especially sensitive to electromagnetic fields during sleep has been mentioned earlier. The pineal gland releases the hormone melatonin only during the dark phase of our daily light/dark cycle. Electromagnetic fields act on the pineal gland like light and inhibit this release. Melatonin has been shown to be strongly immune-enhancing and has been used in cancer therapy. Therefore, it is best to sleep in the dark or at least with the eyes covered and with minimal exposure to electromagnetic fields.

Unbiological chemicals in water or air such as from solvents, paints, car exhaust fumes, insecticide sprays, moth balls, disinfectants, and so forth

Watching television or playing video games, working with computers

Allergenic (allergy causing) influences.

Maximise the Positive

The more advanced the disease is and the weaker the patient, the stricter one should be in maximising all the positive and strengthening factors and minimising all negative and weakening factors. Strengthening of the immune system is especially important before, during and after medical interventions to prevent metastasis.

4. Destroying Tumours

Destroying tumours, especially primary tumours, is generally the easiest part of cancer therapy. It is commonly all that conventional cancer therapy does.

The time-honoured and possibly most effective way to remove tumours without surgery is a long fast. Most frequently used are the Breuss fast, the grape cure and a urine fast.

However, unlike conventional therapy, natural tumour destroying methods do not damage the immune system but rather enhance it and often have inbuilt features to enhance elimination of toxic wastes. The most gentle way is by restoring the oxidative energy production of cancer cells and transforming them into normal cells or at least keeping them dormant.

With Bio-Energy

Wilhelm Reich writes in his book 'The Cancer Biopathy' that he could destroy cancer cells and malignant tumours by charging the red blood cells with bio-energy (orgone energy). He could actually see under the darkfield microscope at 2000 to 4000 x magnification how the blue energy charge of the red blood cells killed the cancer cells. While this greatly increased the survival time, it did not automatically lead to a cure. As he did not use any cleansing measures, most patients or animals still died from congestion of the organs of elimination. Interestingly, he also observed that sometimes the tumours became enlarged due to their interior being filled with blood. Wilhelm Reich used his invention, the orgone accumulator to charge his patients and experimental animals with bio-energy. The easiest way we can achieve this at home is by frequently drinking the fresh juice of young grasses.

Alkalise the Tumour

Most helpful with this, as with all other methods, is to alkalise the tumour. Normally tumours are over-acid because of their abnormal energy production which relies on forming lactic acid from glucose. This also makes the surrounding of the tumour over-acid and causes a localised inflammation which helps to disintegrate the tissue and allows the tumour to spread.

Therefore, the stronger the blockage in the respiratory chain, the more lactic acid is produced, the more over-acid the surrounding, the stronger the inflammation and pain and the more invasive and virulent the tumour. Conversely, if a tumour is made even slightly alkaline (pH 7.4) it becomes dormant and can remain so for many years. Even more alkaline - at a level of pH 8 and above - the life of a cancer cell becomes very short (at pH 8.5 it lives for only a few hours).

Therefore, alkalising the tumour will make it more susceptible to destruction by other means and may even in itself be sufficient to destroy it. Cells regulate their pH, the balance of acidity and alkalinity, with the minerals potassium and sodium. The less sodium and the more potassium is inside the cell, the more alkaline it becomes and vice versa.

Therefore most nutritional cancer therapies minimise the supply of sodium and maximise potassium instead. Raw, organic fruit and vegetables have a favourable potassium to sodium ratio, cooked vegetables usually have a more unfavourable ratio and even less favourable are animal products. These are therefore minimised, while additional potassium salts may be used as supplements.

Alkalinisation can be greatly intensified by supplying rubidium or caesium salts that are the more alkaline relatives of potassium. Laetrile has the important function of transporting more alkalising minerals into cancer cells. Without an alkalising diet, laetrile may be useless. Other nutrients that help to channel alkalising minerals into cancer cells are selenium and the vitamins C and A. Rubidium and caesium are very high in the diets of the Hopi Indians, the Hunzas and highland Indians in South America which all have exceptionally lo cancer rates.

Even if holistic therapy was started too late to save the body, alkalising the tumour has the additional bonus that there is usually very little pain in terminal conditions, and patients can die with dignity and without mind-numbing drugs.

While tumours are too acid and need to be alkalised, the bloodstream is usually too alkaline and should be normalised with fruit acids, ascorbic acid and hydrochloric acid. However, care must be taken not to make the body over-acid as this would increase inflammations and tumour growth.

Other common anti-tumour agents

Other common tumour-destroying agents are protein-digesting enzymes, especially pancreatin and bromelain, tea from pawpaw leaves and twigs, also various herb mixtures such as the Indian Teas and the Hoxsey and Jason Winters herbs, oxygen therapies and possibly hydrazine sulphate. Furthermore, tumours can be destroyed or weakened by overheating, electricity, magnetism and blue light. The south-pole of a strong magnet placed directly over a tumour has the effect of reducing inflammation, pain and swelling and slowing down its metabolism. The north-pole has the opposite effect.

5. Cleansing

Cleansing, the removal of metabolic wastes, accumulated chemicals and toxins from the tumour, may well be the most important part of holistic cancer therapy. This is the more important the larger the tumour is or the more widespread the metastases and the weaker the body. However, even with small tumours and after surgical removal of a tumour it is still advisable, but it may then be less intense.

Cleansing must be more intense if a tumour is destroyed rapidly, as with radiotherapy or with too concentrated natural tumour destruction methods.

A suddenly disintegrating tumour is comparable in its toxic effects on the body to having a dead and decomposing mouse or rat inside. This overloads the detoxifying capacity of the liver and kidney and is a frequent cause of death weeks and even months after intensive therapy.

Therefore, in advanced conditions it is safer to concentrate on cleansing rather than on tumour destruction. One needs to develop a feeling for the amount of tumour destroying therapy required at any given time, ease up when the patient begins to feel more unwell or becomes weaker and intensify it when all goes well.

The first rule is generally to keep the bowels clean. Initially a course of professional colonic irrigations may be applied to remove old impacted residues from the colon walls, from the caecum and from bowel pockets.

As this is not generally available, a series of daily colonics may be used at home. However, I now recommend the Basic Cleanse as being equally or even more effective.

Until the tumour is destroyed and its residues removed from the body, the bowels should be flushed daily. One may either use a colonic (filling the bowel with as much water as it can hold) or more simply take a tablespoon of Epsom salts in about 1/2 litre of water first thing each morning, preferably with added hydrogen peroxide or crushed garlic.

Epsom salts not only flush the bowels, they also have anti-microbial properties and tend to stimulate the gall-bladder. This is important because fat-soluble toxins accumulate in the liver and must frequently be discharged with the bile. Many bitter liver herbs such as some in the Hoxsey herb mixture have a similar effect.

The coffee enema has an even stronger effect that may need to be used in addition if the patient experiences nausea and weakness with the disintegration of a large tumour. Normally one or two coffee enemas a day are sufficient but with signs of approaching hepatic coma many more may temporarily have to be used. Throughout the cleansing period the liver should preferably be stimulated with daily hot castor oil packs on the upper right abdomen.

The liver can be further supported and relieved by removing some of the toxins through the mouth tissue. This can be done by taking a mouthful of a cheap (sunflower) oil before breakfast and swishing it around the mouth for about twenty minutes before spitting it out (not into a wash basin as it tends to block the sink).

The kidneys flush out the water-soluble toxins with a high fluid intake, mainly from fresh juices of wheat-grass and other grasses, vegetables such as carrots and beetroot and diluted acid citrus juices especially from lemon and grapefruit. However, with signs of overacidity avoid acids and take more potassium bicarbonate instead.

In addition a good cleansing diet is used which consists predominantly of easily digestible raw foods. Overeating, on the other hand, will only feed the tumour and make it very difficult to control. There will be initial weight-loss during cleansing, but then one should try to maintain the weight of a reasonably lean body without too much loss of energy.

Finally, the lymph system needs to be stimulated to transport the toxins from the tumour site and other stagnating parts of the body into the bloodstream and to the liver and kidneys for expulsion. This can be done with slow jogging or better still with gently rebounding. Best suited are high-quality rebounders, so-called lymphasisers.

In rather weak conditions lymph drainage massages may be given by squeezing the fluid in the muscles towards the heart.

In summary we may see the main steps of cleansing as:

6. Emotional & Mind Improvement

Most cancer patients have a so-called Type C personality or behaviour:

In addition to any of the other therapies it is essential to change this type of behaviour by:

Keep these points in mind and move towards changing your behaviour in small steps in your daily life whenever an opportunity presents itself. In addition, use mind improvement methods, such as meditation, affirmations and guided imagery or visualisation to help you shape yourself and your future as you want it to be.

7. The Spiritual Dimension.

It is my own experience as well as that of other healers that those patients who most successfully overcome advanced and medically terminal cancer have experienced a profound spiritual awakening. Commonly patients with advanced cancer appear to have a subconscious death wish. Deep down they do not want to live any more in this world and under these conditions. From this position there are only two alternatives: either to continue on this road to self-destruction or to find real meaning in life.

Several have expressed the view that cancer was the best thing that ever happened to them because it forced them to leave the mental and emotional jungle of everyday existence and find a spiritually meaningful life.

We do not normally realise how much of our life is an expression of selfishness, fear, lack of faith and lack of love. Emotionally and physically we erect barriers around ourselves to separate and protect ourselves from our neighbours, even from those we love. We are mentally and emotionally closed, walled in, separate egos subconsciously motivated by fear. No wonder we draw all those dreadful diseases to us.

Salvation lies instead in the opposite direction, in an expansion of consciousness by developing the spiritual qualities of faith, gratitude, trust, contentment, devotion, compassion, tolerance, meaning, forgiveness and spiritual love.

However, these spiritual gifts do not just come from wishful thinking. We must change our deepest beliefs of what life is all about. We must see real meaning and a higher purpose in life, see the unity in all that exists. We must realise that we are all related in spirit; we might say the same Divine Spirit tries to awaken us and manifest itself through all of us. Our real purpose in life is to let the divine spark in us grow and help our neighbour to do the same.

We have all made countless mistakes and hurt ourselves as well as others. For this we hope for forgiveness and to be worthy of it we must show forgiveness ourselves. Forgiveness is the first real step towards healing. It opens the way to faith and spiritual love.

We need to forgive ourselves for past mistakes to erase any feelings of guilt, and we need to forgive others for any perceived transgressions to erase any feelings of resentment.

Some cancer victims find this spiritual path themselves, but most need the help and guidance of a spiritual healer and teacher. Furthermore, cancer patients, even more urgently than the rest of us, must realise that we cannot rely only on ourselves and on human resources to get well but must seek to develop an unshakeable trust and faith in our spiritual or divine guidance.

Be Realistic - Expect A Miracle!

Send mail to Dr. Glendon with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: May 11, 2001, Friday.